Torrid Letter Ruled Out in Mossler Case

MIAMI, Fla. (F) --A nine-Florida and Texas police and page letter, described by the officials. state as a torrid revelation of Melvin Lane Powers' feeling


for his blonde aunt, Candace er, lawyer and board mem-. Mossler, was ruled inadmis-ber of one of Mossler's banks, testified that Mossler was sible yesterday in the couple's solicitous toward his wife,

trial on murder charges.

"loved her deeply idolized Circuit Judge George Schulz her." And he said she seemed suppressed the letter


ordered that it not be made

to love him.

available to news media Mrs. Mossler wept during after a heated fight between this testimony.

state and defense attorneys Lundeen testified that it outside the presence of the was "inconceivable to me" jury. that Mossler could have been

THE LETTER WAS described by prosecutors as an explosive document going deeply into the nature of the association between the codefendants.

Out of this affair, the state alleges, grew a plot which led Powers to kill Mrs. Mossler's wealthy husband, Jacques, 69, in an effort to give the lovers access to his millions.

William Bond, captain in charge of the county jail at Houston, said Powers was brought into his office last March 12 for a meeting with Mrs. Mossler's brother, Hiram Weatherby.


POWERS HAD the letter concealed under his shirt, Bond said, and tried to smuggle it to Weatherby. The officer said he confiscated it, had a photostatic copy made, then mailed it on to Mrs. Mossler at Rochester, Minn. She had not been charged at the time and was undergoing medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic.

As the state neared the end of its case, Powers filed a $10,000 damage suit, charging that he was "wrongfully accused of murder" and that people who could testify to this were being intimidated by

a homosexual, as the defense contends.